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Thursday, 14 February 2013

Top Ideas On How To Make It Work

Now i am going to have some scenic view of your work.... In The Way It Has To Be !

1:- RSS feed is the best idea to start up things from start. And It Really works! The best thing when you have a cup of coffee in your hand and thinking about going long over laptop. Just think of adding the RSS feed to it.

2:- Making it attractive to readers is the one way to say hello to the world. If you are really potential. By potential, i meant that you can handle this long. I would like to make you sure. You are not gonna handle it long. If your first impression to your reader worth nothing at all. let them know, What you have got!

3:- Keeping things short might sound. Ops! short? Well then it will affect the first look! No! its not gonna that way. It will let your people have the knowledge about what you are telling them in a period of minute rather than spending hours on the post and then coming back from that hour and telling themselves. Shit i wasted this much time over shit!

4:- Promoting is fun. You need to feel it as FUN!

Just do it and ENJOY!
Note:- Blogging is all about FUN! ENJOY!

Seo Mistakes And Good Ideas

Mentioning it straight the way it has to be..:-
The common mistakes that usually people make with the seo.

1:- Following SEO trends That Happens all over the internet.
2:- Segmented Approach.
3:- No value proposition
4:- Time Consuming work Arounds.

Six Good ideas for SEO improvement..

1:- Just be what you are. Stay fresh and relevant.
2:- Just look after the text you write and you tag and be smart with the architecture of your site.
3:- Just do something, Others haven't done it yet!
4:- Include keywords that are relevant to your post.

The Biggest fuss is.. People who are newbie and want to start their own blog, Just don't comply with their own trends. Don't try to copy someone who is making money with what he is posting over his blog.
Just make sure. Not only your surrounding search over the internet. Its the whole world. So be sure that whatever you are posting over it. Their is someone seated and searching for your stuff....

Keep It Straight !

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